Saturday, July 08, 2006

Dude! Where's my 'PLEASE'??

There is a serious problem plaguing humanity today. People just aren't courteous enough to me. Seriousness aside, what happened to all the well-mannered noblemen of 'yore'? One no longer gets to hear 'Please', 'Excuse Me', or any other social niceties that really don't mean anything but can actually make a person feel better.

For me, its almost natural. I bump into someone and turn around immediately to apologize. If the other guy doesn't bother doing it, I hex him with my magic wand and continue on my way. Some day, some where, a door will slam in his face and I will laugh in it. Just saying 'Thank You' to an auto driver will go a long way in making you feel better too, although it doesn't increase the chance that he will lower the fare (experience speaks here). But, do your bit. Don't expect the other person to show the same level of courteousness to you too. If he doesn't, curse him and keep going. Thats what I do, and I like to think that I had something to contribute to make someone's bad day worse by not being nice.

Seriously, the next time you make a request, say the word 'please'. Say 'with sugar on top and ice below' and say a lot more hollow, hackneyed phrases that only make you look better. Who knows? You might be blessed by some unknown, random guy on the street for saying sorry because he bumped into you first!

Bottom Line? I don't know with what intention I started this blog, but I know I'm ending it with the intention of saving you further torture. Just say 'Please' and I'll go away.

Just kidding, I'll never go away. You can try it on others though. If it works, tell me and I'll try to make you go away.

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