Another stupid ad is by Maggi. It has this whole family of Turbaned idiots who start singing Tamil songs because they start eating Maggi Sambar noodles. What sort of flavour is that for noodles anyway???? YUCK! Anyway, the point is that the not-so-cute sardar kid starts singing tamil songs and the entire family pitches in. I want to know, why do they think that Tamil songs are only sung in that wavering south indian accent? If they're trying to sell the noodles to North Indians, then they're showing the wrong sort of people to trust (sardars, for the dim witted morons who landed from the moon onto a browser that directed them here). If they're targeting us Southies, then we know better than to taste Sambar noodles right? RIGHT??!!!!! And they end the ad, with a catchy south indian 'Why not?'. Idiots.
Harpic ads make me want to go out there and grab Aman Verma and force him to clean my toilet. Why would anyone, most of all a celebrity, go to another person's house to clean their toilets?? It makes even less sense, since they decided to do communty service by having a bunch of ugly housewives gather at one house and then harp (pun not intended) on about how their toilets smell like shit. What do you expect it to smell like, you morons? You poop there don't you??! Anyway, the celebrity then enters the toilet (EUUUU!) and cleans it with Harpic. He manages to convice the hags that their toilet is now clean because the smell of shit has now been replaced with the smell of rotting mangoes. Great! While you're at it, why don't you just wipe up after I get off the toilet, or flush it for me. What say?
More ads I detest:
1. All Sachin ads.
2. All ads for energy drinks.
3. All ads for Raymond.
4. All ads for banks.
5. All ads.
KAOS - making your life miserable, one blog at a time.