Monday, August 11, 2008

Beware the "Silent Killer"

So Bindra won the gold. Good for us.

Does it not bother anyone that his father, refers to him as a silent killer?! Am I the only one disturbed by the fact that his father watched him place water balloons on a poor maids head (another sign of the oppression of lower castes) and shot at them repeatedly knowing "little" (and that is supposed to excuse this,) that, and I quote, "a slight mistake could have proved fatal."

This just scares the shit out of me. If I knew there was a five year old with deadly aim and a wanton disregard for safety, (not to mention his maid) who lived next door, I'd be calling the police dammit! I'd be calling them even faster if I knew his Pops was proud of him!!!!!

Good show Bindra!


Si_Lee said...

nice point .. i guess we shud have done the same in your case .. 'cause u never showed us mercy from ur words either

yD said...

pretty much what happens when your dad happens to be like the biggest meat exporter in the whole state. multi-shulti-ultra millionaire types..

you basically stop valuing stuff.. including unfortunately, decency and life.

funny to know that you are even following sport. olympics that too :P

Unknown said...

yes neeraj. i totally agree with you. i feel that this gold medal is that of a rich father's rich kid's medal and not that of India's.

RukmaniRam said...

All this hulla about the dude making us proud is bollocks. It's what it says it is- an individual's gold. Wonder how much support he received from the country that sent 4 hockey coaches to the Olympics when the team itself stayed back home.

And I wonder how the maid reacted.